
Complete set of cross sections

This section is specifically designed to download complete set of cross sections for one or more species from available data bases. Continue »

Staging area

This section contains data that currently cannot be properly incorporated in the LXCat database. These downloads are provided as a temporary solution.

XML converted database by Michele Renda

Last update: 4-Mar-2024. Download

This archive contains the LXCat integral cross-section data in ZCross XML format. This format is validate against an XSD Schema (https://gitlab.com/micrenda/zcross/-/raw/master/share/zcross/zcross.xsd) and contains some additional information such as the complete bibliography references (including DOI) for all the journal articles mentioned in the descriptions and comments.

These XML files can be uses "as-is" to be read by your simulation software or, eventually, can be read using ZCross (https://gitlab.com/micrenda/zcross), a C++ library which allows parsing, validating and filtering cross-section tables.

Please be aware that the data contained in these archives are copyrighted by their respective authors and, to use them, you have to accept the LXCat redistribution policy (https://www.lxcat.net/instructions/redistribution.php)

Some important notes:

  1. This archive is generated from the official LXCat cross-section data on weekly basis.
  2. The elastic, momentum-transfer and viscosity tables are labeled with their momentum order (0,1,2, etc.)
  3. The 'refs' attribute points to the respective bibliography entries.

For feed-backs, suggestions or support, please contact Michele Renda (michele.renda@@cern.ch).